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Monday, 9 September 2013

Differences of UBS terms...

Deleting Individual Data Vs Deleting All Data In The UBS System.

Deleting Individual Data is clear only transaction and batch titles will be deleted. The chart of account and opening balance will be remain. You can choose 'Clear only transactions-chart & b/f remain' which is option number two at Housekeeping--> Clear Files/ Generate Sample Chart in UBS system.

Deleting All Data  is all transactions of account numbers and batch titles of data folder will be deleted. You have to choose 'Clear both chart of accounts & transactions' which is option number one at Housekeeping--> Clear Files/ Generate Sample Chart in UBS system.

Backup Vs. Restore.

Backup is a compression of multiple data files from UBS system into one compressed file and transfer the compressed file to floppy disk or USB flash driver or hard disk. You must 'Select Diskett Drive' to 'C:'. When do the backup, the system will generate a file name 'backup.acc'. Then you must rename 'backup.acc' to a new file name for easy to do another backup.

Restore is decompress the compressed file from floppy disk or USB flash drive or hard disk order to recover back the multiple original data files which shall be stored back into the system. Before you doing restore, make sure the file that you rename before after backup you change back to 'backup.acc'. The purpose of rename the 'backup.acc' is the system only can read the backup name of 'backup.acc'. 

Add Entry Vs. Quick Entry

Add entry is a single transaction entry procedure, which means data is key in double entry one by one. You may either key in debit entry and followed by credit entry or vise versa.

Quick entry is a double transaction entry procedure. When you enter one side of double entry, the system will generate the other side of the entry automatically. You must determine what entry can be more time to key in as 'Master Account'. 'Master Account' can be any double entry account and it means the account's entry will be handle by the system.

Lock Batches Vs. Unlock Batches

Lock Batches is a step that to prevent the batches when you are deleted the transactions. You can choose any batches to lock by go to 'Transactions--> Organize batches. High light the batches that you are want to lock and after that click 'Lock'. There will be sign of letter 'L' at the side of batches which means that it is already be lock. 

Unlock Batches is to make the batches in an availability to deleted. The sign of letter 'L' will disappear from the batches.

Special Account Vs. Non-special Accounts

Special Accounts can be divided into two groups. The first group is for accounts that require certain function, e.g. stock account, manufacturing account, payment voucher and etc. The second group is for accounts that require certain specification to obtain the effects when printing reports, e.g. header setting, spacing, single line, subtotal and etc.

Account No. Description Special A/C
3010/000 Bank PV
3030/000 Stock BS
6010/000 Opening Stock OS
6020/000 Closing Stock CS
7000/000 Manufacturing A/C MA

Note:- The special account for Bank A/C is „PV‟. When you enter a 
transaction of payment in Bank A/C, you are able to type in the 
particulars that will eventually appear on payment voucher.

Non-special Accounts is an account that not require certain function or  certain specifications. It is the account that not giving any effect when printing report.

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