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It's Snowy

Sunday 21 July 2013

My 1st Blog Post Regarding Accounting Information System (DAC2183/TAC2024) Mini Blogging Project.

Accounting Information System (AIS) is a system of collection, storage and processing of financial and accounting data that is used by decision makers. That is a simple definition about what is an accounting information system.

At first, our thought about this subject, this is a theory subject that we have to read  to past in the final exam. But after we got explanation from our friends, we have know that this subject have two session which are class session and labotary session. So that means, the theory part will be in class and the practical part will be in labotary. And this subject in not fully theory. That such a relief for us. The lab session will be interesting and fun.

For the lab session we are about to know that we will learn about UBS system. From our opinion, this subject is very interesting to learn as we never learn before. Before this we just learn MYOB system for our AIS subject. So, as this semester, we will learn a new thing.

Basically, MYOB and UBS is an accounting system that make an accountant work much easier for company. But to us, UBS system is complicated compare to MYOB as UBS system is more apply in company.

So, thank to our lecturer, Sir Effendy, as he is warm heartedly to give us an opportunity to make this mini blogging project. With this blogging project, we can express and give our opinion regarding the Accounting Information System subject that we are learning this semester.

And our hope, with this project, our understanding and knowledge about accounting information system will be much better so that we can use it even after we have finish our study.

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